Conway SC Priapus Shot – P Shot
The Conway SC P-Shot®, or Priapus Shot®, is a cutting-edge sexual rejuvenation and enhancement procedure for men and was invented by the world-famous Dr. Charles Runels. The P-Shot is a non-surgical solution to natural sexual enhancement that has been used and clinically proven for nearly a decade, with thousands of patients worldwide achieving enhanced sexual benefits.
This highly effective procedure utilizes growth factors extracted from a sample of your own blood, stimulating new tissue growth within the penis. This process uses PRP, or platelet-rich plasma, a nutrient-rich growth factor portion of your own blood, helping to make this procedure safe and natural.
The P-Shot is a specific treatment protected by US Patent & Trademark law. Here at The Hormone Zone, we’re proud to be part of the world-class group of physicians and healthcare providers who perform the P-Shot. Carolina Forest P Shot