METABO-LAUNCH Part 3 Energy = Glucose

(Eat The Way Your Body Was Designed To Eat)

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Metabo Launch Episode 3 Transcript

Clifton Mack (00:05):

Want to talk to you a little bit about energy and how our body uses energy, creates energy, where we get it from, as you can see here, energy equals glucose. Now a lot of people have heard glucose, they just assume that sugar, not all sugars are created equal. So let’s dive into that. Let’s talk about a little bit here. Glucose. We derive our glucose mostly from carbohydrates, from potatoes, from breads, from tortillas, from carbs. And one very important element to understand is that not all carbs are created equal. A word, kind of a pet peeve of mine that gets thrown around a lot is the word processed foods. Everyone says that like they know what the freak it is. And they don’t. I mean, literally less than 10% of the people that talk about processed foods can really tell you what it is.


It’s just kind of a sexy phrase that people in the diet industry like to use, but processed means, pulverized. Who can remember in history, learning about the native Americans and grinding up the corn and their little bowls that’s that essentially is pulverization, pulverizing it into a fine substance. So now let’s think about our flours. Let’s think about white flour. Let’s think about a grainy, whole grain wheat flour. Okay. So let’s picture a little experiment here. We have a little pile, maybe a tablespoon of white flour on the counter, and then we have a pile of whole grain flour on a counter, in a pile let’s call it a teaspoon. And then we have a dropper bottle of water and we just slowly add drops of water to these two teaspoons, one of white flour and one of whole grain flour.


And which one of those flowers is the most pulverized, is the most fine, the white flour. And you probably don’t even need to see the science experiment to know what’s going to happen in less than a minute. That white flower, once it’s properly hydrated is going to completely flatten out and be mixed with the water and be almost as flat as the counter. Whereas the grainy whole wheat flour, that’s going to take some time. There’s going to be some processes of it softening out, getting lumpy, and then eventually it’ll flatten out. And that is the difference between processed and non-processed. Now, why does that matter? We talked about insulin and the higher the sugar, the higher the glucose, the higher the insulin secretion, which is why that in the keto diet or the Atkins diet, it’s all built around low insulin secretions because you’re not getting a lot of carbohydrates, a lot of sugars, but when we’re talking about two pieces of bread, let’s look at a wonder bread, a piece of white bread and a piece of healthy, all wheat, whole grain bread.


If you look at the calories on the package, you have 120 calories for each slice of bread. And I don’t know about you, but in the past, that was very confusing to me because I always looked at macros, calories in, calories out and went, “Okay, well, they’re both, it’s 120 calorie piece of bread. Why does it matter which one I’m having?” It’s because of the processed portion of it, the white bread has got that fine flour, which immediately, like within minutes is in your bloodstream, which creates the highest insulin spike from the pancreas. So there’s a larger amount of insulin present in the bloodstream from a wonder white piece of bread than there is from a whole grain piece of bread. Hopefully that makes some sense to y’all. You really, when you’re trying to lose weight, you cannot afford to have these high, high insulin spikes. So that’s where processed food comes in. Pay attention to that. You also have some fun asking people the question, what does process mean? I bet you then no one ever really tells you the truth. So you got glucose comes from carbs. Sucrose. I say, table sugar. Now table sugar it’s interesting. It’s actually half glucose and half fructose. So let me skip ahead. Let’s talk about fructose. Fructose is primarily found in fruit and high fructose corn syrup.


Most people don’t realize that high fructose corn syrup was invented because sugar was expensive to make high fructose corn syrup is 1%. So it’s a hundred times cheaper than sugar is. That’s why we see high fructose corn syrup in just about everything. It’s because we’re trying to make food for the cheapest price possible. High fructose, bad. Sugar, not as bad as you can see, like I said, you have half sucrose, half fructose, but let’s stay on fructose for a second. One of the things I learned from this book and in my journey is that you want to lose weight. And this might catch a lot to you by surprise here, but I’m going to say it unapologetically, do not eat fruit. Okay? Fructose is useless in the body. It cannot be. It cannot be converted into energy. Mind you, we’re consuming sugar. We’re consuming carbs for energy. Fructose, useless for energy.


What happens is it actually collects down in the liver and the liver’s doing important things like, processing glucose for energy, but because fructose cannot be used for energy. It collects in the liver and it gets deposited as fat enter fatty liver syndrome. And the liver is the most important metabolism organ in the body. It’s kind of like a sponge when you’re cleaning dishes. And how many of you have clean dishes with a dirty sponge? It doesn’t really work. Does it? You got to rinse out the sponge. You got to clean the pores out and then it will actually do its job. Well, that’s the problem with a lot of our livers. Everyone that is overweight has fatty liver. They call it fatty liver syndrome. Okay, well, fatty belly syndrome, fatty back syndrome. I don’t know what a syndrome is then, but regardless, if you’re overweight, chances are you have a fatty liver and we’ve got to get that cleared out because it’s actually responsible, partially responsible for your slow metabolism, trying to lose weight, do not eat fruit.


Isn’t it interesting. We go back to the whole caveman mentality where they didn’t have pantries. They didn’t have fridges. They didn’t eat three meals and two snacks a day. Well, I live in South Carolina. And if you live in South Carolina as a native person, I don’t know, a thousand, 2000 years ago, you get to eat peaches every once in a while, those of you that know peach season, it’s probably about six, maybe eight weeks. So once a year, I get to eat peaches for a couple months at the most. And then I can’t eat them again for 10 more months. Well, now we have airplanes that can fly a Kiwi from anywhere on the tropics to here, and you can eat a Kiwi 12 months out of the year. That’s not the way we’re engineered. Like we’re engineered to eat fruit in moderation or in its season.


That’s the way God intended it, right? We’re not supposed to be eating fruit all day. So this whole notion of an apple a day keeps the doctor away. No, it’s not true. I mean, fruit does have antioxidative properties. So if you can get healthier from eating a fruit, you can actually also get fatty liver and become fat and have your whole processes and your body slow down. So yes, gaining healthier with an antioxidant and losing healthier with fatty liver. Pick your poison. Principle is, fruit in moderation. This book that I read that I keep referring to it went through every diet known to men. And it talks about what diets work, which basically most diets work for a period of time, how long they work and when they’re going to stop working and what’s going to happen when they stop working.


Number one, most popular diet in the world, macros, calories in calories out. Most people don’t realize it was actually the Coca-Cola industry that taught us about calories in calories out. It was kind of a sinister lesson they taught us, because they were trying to sell us diet Coke. And so they explained to us this whole mathematical formula on how we gain weight and how we lose weight so that we could justify, “Oh, but it’s fine. You can just buy a diet Coke”. Well, I’m going to drop some very interesting knowledge on you right now. They hooked two people up to a blood meter and they were measuring the amount of insulin in these two subjects blood. And at the same time, one of them drank a diet Coke, and one of them drank a regular Coke. So you got 150 calories here.


You got zero calories here. And you’re watching this chart kind of the insulin meter in the blood and the insulin spike in both subjects was identical. The same peak for a zero calorie drink and for 150 calorie drink. Isn’t that interesting. But when we think about the common sense of it, there is no organ within our body that says, “oh, no, no, that was zero calories. Don’t secrete any insulin”. There is no process in the body that determines that, that’s a later process. That’s 30 minutes. That’s an hour later where your body goes, “Wait a second, that didn’t have any calories in it”. At the end of the day, it’s still your brain. That’s telling your pancreas, “Oh, we got sweetness. Send the insulin in to go get the sugar”. So what does that mean? Okay. One still had zero calories.


We’re not going to gain weight on it. Right? Well, if you can remember from segment two, we talked about ghrelin, the hormones secreted by the walls of your stomach. Well, what happens… we also talked about satiety from leptin, that reward hormone that says, “ah”. So both these people that drink a diet Coke and a Coke, and they both got satiety. They both got that, “ah”, that great refreshment, that satisfaction. Well, the person that drank the Coke remains satisfied. 30 minutes later after the person that drank the diet Coke, drank it, they get their brain basically triggers a response from the stomach that says, “Wait a second, you tricked me. There was no sugar in that. There was no glucose in that”. And so it secretes ghrelin your hunger hormone. So the person who drank the diet Coke is having to fight ghrelin and hunger cravings.


Whereas the person who drank the Coke, they’re still satisfied, kind of a dark truth there. When I read that, it was actually the last diet Coke that I ever drank. Now, when I do drink a Coke, which is not very often, it’s a regular Coke. So back to macros, calories in and calories out, the way that diet works is, say you’ve been eating 3000 calories a day and we want to lose some weight now. So we go down to 2000 calories a day, maybe do some exercise as well. Is it going to work? Yeah. For a little while, it will. We’re going to lose a few pounds, but eventually you’re going to stop. And I say, eventually, it’s not going to take very long within a month. Maybe even less, that 2000 calories is not going to get you there anymore because the brain is number one function is survival.


It’s constantly trying to keep you alive. It’s its number one instinct. And so when we’re in a calorie deficit and we’re losing weight, we’re losing fat, we’re losing our storage. This is our storage. This is meant to protect us when we’re wandering in the desert for 14 days with no food. So as our bodies are chewing up that fat and using that stored fuel, it’s basically trying to achieve what’s called homeostasis, the normal. So it’s going to shoot out hormones and cravings and all kinds of things to get you to give it what it needs. And when you do not give it what it needs, it’s going to slow the body down. Most of us here have phones, right? And I don’t know about you. When my phone gets below 15%, it automatically goes into battery saver mode.


Well, during battery saver mode on your phone, what it does is the process of your phone slows down. Literally your processing speed slows down. If you have 20 apps going on the background, it’s not going to run all 20 apps in the background. It’s basically going to conserve energy and slow the function of the phone down. Well, the same thing happens. Our brains are brilliant and they slow our bodies down. The way it does is it actually will lower our body temperature, half a degree, which actually it matters. It’s going to slow our heart rate, our blood heart volume. Our BHV is going to drop down to 40% of what it’s supposed to hold. So there’s going to be 40% of the amount of blood in your heart is normal because your body’s going into battery saver mode. What that means is pre diet.


Say, I was burning 2,500 calories a day just with my normal lifestyle. Well, it’s going to slow that to 1500, approximately. So suddenly that 2000 calorie diet that I’ve lowered to, doesn’t work anymore. Because now my body’s in battery saver mode. Now I’ve got to cut down to 1200 calories and then that’s going to work for a little while. And then your brain’s going to slow your heart, your body down. And you’re going to have to drop to 800 calories and 500 calories. And that’s where we see some of these crazy diets that some of these diet doctors prescribed, “Oh, just have HCG and do 500 calorie diet and you’re going to lose all the weight and yay, it’s the HCG that did it”. Come on. That’s BS. Don’t blame the weight loss on the HCG when you’re starving at 500 calories a day.


So basically this diet has been completely disproven. And what happens say you cut down and how you lose those 20 pounds, however many pounds you need to lose. Well, as soon as you go back to eating normal again, again your brain’s survival, homeostasis. It is going to grab everything that it can throw it right back into fat cells and you’re going to gain it all right back. Which is why. When I lost all that weight, there was a lot of trolls, a lot of haters online that said, “Oh, easy off, easy on. He’s going to gain it all right back”. And you know what? I wasn’t mad at them because I’d read the book I’d studied. I’d learned. Everyone gains the weight back. It’s totally reasonable to say that, they should have been right. But the reason they weren’t right is because I learned the right way to do it, which we’re going to get to.


But before I want to talk about the most popular diet in the world right now, keto and full disclosure, I am a keto hater. I own It’s going to be worth a lot of money someday because I tried it for four weeks and guess what? I lost a bunch of weight and I felt like I wanted to shoot myself in the face. It was horrible. I had no energy. I had headaches. It wasn’t even that keto flu garbage they talk about, this lasted. My workouts because again, I was in this contest, I was trying to win $50,000. I was committed. Everything took a backseat. My family took a backseat. My business took a backseat. It was all about my transformation. So my workouts went from an hour and 15 minutes to two and a half, three hours, because every set I did on, whatever set I did, I needed five minutes rest just to be able to do another set.


I had no energy. I felt like crap. And it’s the same thing, keto. Yes. Can you lose weight for it. The whole idea behind keto was for people that needed to lose a bunch of weight before surgery. Well yeah, you need to do that. Ketos going to get you there for a couple weeks, a month, but it’s not sustainable. It’s not for life. As soon as you start eating carbs again, as soon as you start not being a freak, when you’re at a restaurant with all your friends, your body’s going to grab all of it and put it right back into fat cells. Again, it’s not going to work long term. It’s not going to do it. There’s a whole nother list of diets. It went through and explained why it works when it’s going to stop working. Principle is the only thing that does not stop working is going back, pushing a reset button and eating the way our bodies are designed to eat.


And it’s actually large meals through a small period of time throughout the day, and then no meals whatsoever through the rest of the meals. You know, for the rest of the day. We talked about in segment two, that eating causes inflammation. It does, I didn’t just say eating bad, eating causes inflammation. So doesn’t it make sense that we should spend a small portion of the day getting inflamed and the rest of the long portion of the day, coming down from that inflammation, when the energy we have readily available in our muscles right now, if you can remember, it’s called glycogen. Our muscles in our body can only hold so much glycogen, pure raw energy before it has to start filling up fat to hold those glucose as storage. Well, the glycogen that’s readily available in our muscles right now to run, to sprint, to whatever, that is what they refer to as cash in your pocket.


Now, if I owe him money, I’m going to pull cash out of my pocket. If I need to go buy a drink, I’m going to pull cash out of my pocket. But when I’m out of cash, I got to pull out my debit card and I got to go into my checking account. And that is the way our bodies every day are supposed to use energy. Part of the day we’re supposed to be using cash. And then when we’re out of cash, we’re supposed to go into the checking account, enter the problem of eating small meals throughout the day. I got to go back to it. If you’re eating small meals throughout the day, you constantly are putting cash in your pocket and you’re never using your debit card, AKA fat. The way we’re supposed to daily use our energy is through a portion of the day we’re using glycogen.


And another portion of the day, glycogen AKA cash. And the other portion of the day we’re using our checking account. AKA our fat. Intermittent fasting is the way our bodies are designed to work. That’s the way our bodies are, to heal from inflammation. Another interesting fact about digestion, as I mentioned, it slows down all the processes of the body. You’re you have organs like your kidneys, your liver, that they do multiple jobs, but when there’s food in your system and there’s digestion happening, they all stop their other processes. And they marry to digest the food and facilitate the nutrients. When we eat small meals throughout the day, we’re constantly digesting and constantly digesting, and we’re not healing the body. We’re not detoxing. We’re not purifying the blood. There’s so many processes that aren’t happening. And the number one process is called cell autophagy.


Autophagy is the recycling of cells. The body regenerates every cell in the body, regenerates in approximately nine days. Now that’s approximate. Your cells are constantly opening up expelling the dead proteins and bringing on the new particles and proteins and recycling. Well, that cannot happen when digestion is happening. So enter the number one thing you can do for antiaging is cell autophagy. And the number one way you can get cell autophagy to be quicker, faster, and better is intermittent fasting.