It’s a special month at the Alpha Male Clinic-
It’s Men’s Health Awareness Month!
As Alpha Males, we tend to think we’re invincible. We are notorious for not taking care of ourselves, not getting checkups and proper yearly physicals.
Gentlemen, it’s time to do the right thing and make preventive health a priority. People rely on us and we need to get our health taken care of so we can take care of others.
As part of your appointment, you’ll come in, meet with Dr. K for a physical and then get your blood drawn with Nurse Bailey. This isn’t a typical blood draw, it’s a very comprehensive blood panel so that we can see what’s going on, and see every red potential red flag.
What are some of those red flags?
As part of our routine blood work, we check your prostate, thyroid, liver, kidneys, electrolytes, everything that could potentially be off-kilter signaling that you have something underlying going on. Some of those things, as we focus on men’s health month, are prostate & testicular cancer.
At Alpha Male Clinic, we don’t cut corners. We believe every man deserves a comprehensive blood panel analysis, because early detection saves lives. Unfortunately, a lot of doctors are not ordering PSA tests, because insurance companies don’t want to pay for it. Thats not Alpha, and its definitely not in the best interest of patients.
Since it’s Men’s Health Awareness Month, we are putting our money where our mouth is, and are waiving our Dr’s Fee for all first appointments now through the end of November.

We’ve got your back! Get in here, and let’s get you on the road to living your best life.
-Alpha Male Doc Team
4999 Carolina Forest Blvd #9, Myrtle Beach, SC 29579
Phone: (843) 999-0088